18 June 2011

Toys for every age of the child

In the market, the supply of toys is so large and varied that it is very difficult to choose the most appropriate or the best. What should I consider when choosing a toy for a child? GuiaInfantil.com has prepared some tips and suggestions for parents to aim at when choosing and buying toys for children.

Guidelines when choosing toys

1 - The toy should be desired by the child / a.
2 - Make it safe . Must be constructed with materials that are not chipped or sharp if broken. The colors must be solid and non-toxic. The younger the child / a must be larger toys.
3 - We buy age-appropriate thinking, always in order and attitudes that develop in our children.
4-Consider your personality: a child / a retracted need socializing games (multiplayer), a child / a hyperactive / a game will seem appropriate care, art, etc ...
5 - Make it simple. This would increase the range of applications that can make it, developing their imagination and symbolic capacity.
6 - do not buy it to satisfy a momentary whim of the child / a.
Toys for children ages
7 - Generally should not be used to reward or punish a child / a.
8 - We should note that excess kills the fantasy toys and produces boredom. Children need to ask first.
9 - should instruct the family to not give away toys indiscriminately.
10 - The best toy is not necessarily the most expensive.


0-6 MONTHS: need toys that will help you discover your body and to distinguish different textures, shapes and colors. The rattles, crib mobiles, rubber toys, teething rings, carpet events, etc.. 7-12 MONTHS: The child begins to explore objects and recognize voices. balls , rag dolls, toys, audio, Humpty Dumpty, rockers and walkers. 13-18 months: Children / as know how to walk and recognize the properties of objects. The fit and stack bins, wheeled bicycles and strollers. 19-24 MONTHS: The child / to speak and understand, begins to discover their environment. Cars, bikes, boards, paintings, musical instruments, dolls and animals. 2-3 YEARS: They begin to feel curious about the names and imitate familiar scenes. Tricycles, shovels, buckets , puzzles, pictures, telephones, and dolls. 3-5 years: The child / a begins to ask, learn songs and play with his / her friends. Bikes, boards, tape, storytelling, puppets and action figures. 6-8 YEARS: The child / to know how to add and subtract, read and write. Skateboards, remote control cars, hand games, questions and experiments. 9-11 YEARS: They are interested in complicated activities. Sports supplements, strategy games and reflection, audiovisual, electronic and experiments. MORE THAN 12 YEARS: Disappearing the desire to play and are building their own identity. Books, music and video games.

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